JOIN US! Colorado Food + Agriculture Regenerative Transition Conversation Tour

  • Our "Why"

    We need a food system that works for EVERYONE: join us in co-creating policy that reflects that! For Colorado to take the lead on real policies to support the transition to regenerative food and agriculture across the state and beyond, we all need to be at the table!

  • Our Goals

    Building on the momentum of the 2024 Regenerative Agriculture Tax Credit bill (SB24-152), we’re joining forces to facilitate a participatory process in refining and co-creating legislation for a more regenerative food and agriculture system (2024 one-pager: front / back).

In Fall 2024 and Spring 2025, join us as we:

  • Gather changemakers from across Colorado’s agriculture and food systems to inform the 2025 legislative session

  • Elevate and coalesce the needs of all stakeholders - from farmers and ranchers, to workers, to chefs, restaurant owners, value-add, food aggregators, food procurement, brands - and everyone in between!

  • Collect input about how to define ‘regenerative’ and create transition phases for legislative and funding purposes

  • Generate momentum and share information about how to advocate for policies that we craft together as part of this inclusive, participatory process

  • Support participation in opportunities to testify at the Capitol (either in-person or virtually)

Want to have your voice heard?

Register to be part of this immersive process.

Register now to be part of the community

This form will gather information and allow you to be added to our mailing list for announcements related to the tour and the draft bill. To register for a specific event, please click the links below (note: we will email updates when more registration links become available for future events).

Pathways for Engagement

Throughout Phase 2, the Regenerative Transition Stewardship Council, made up of a set of committed individuals with experience translating stakeholder needs into legislative language, will help to synthesize the diverse needs collected and coalesced across this Conversation Tour. To get involved with the Council, please contact


Curious what we’ve been up to so far? Check out the summary + visual synthesis of our kick-off conversation held at Yellow Barn Farm in Longmont, CO on September 9, 2024.

Target Audience: Colorado Legislators and Decision-Makers

This process will allow stakeholders from across Colorado to co-create and shape draft legislation and be actively involved in the 2025 legislative session, along with helping to inform and guide future policy implementation. We plan to hold these conversations annually to keep a consistent throughline of communication as we continue to shape policy so that it supports everyone.

Stay tuned for direct advocacy opportunities!

Core Facilitators

Michelle Stearn (Forum for the Future), Jolie Brawner (Alliance for Collective Action), and Mandy Magill (Earth Regeneration Alliance) joined forces in the summer of 2024 as they saw the need for a supportive alliance between their respective organizations to collaborate in helping to guide Colorado’s food system through regenerative transition conversations going into the 2025 legislative session.

  • Growing our Future (Forum for the Future)

    Forum for the Future is an international sustainability nonprofit. For more than 25 years we’ve been working in partnership with business, governments and civil society to accelerate the shift towards a just and regenerative future in which both people and the planet thrive.  Growing our Future is a system-wide initiative, which brings together more than 135 organizations to work together to catalyze the transition to a just and regenerative agriculture system in the United States.

  • Earth Regeneration Alliance

    Earth Regeneration Alliance is focused on addressing the root problems that are causing societal and planetary DEgeneration by elevating and helping to steward root solutions that will generate positive ripple effects of REgeneration. Policy that supports the transition to a regenerative food and agriculture system is one of those root solutions!

  • The Alliance for Collective Action

    The Alliance serves as connective tissue for the climate movement in Colorado. We bring people together to develop and advance solutions for an inclusive, regenerative future. We envision a future where human-created systems function in harmony with the natural world and honor the dignity of all people.  Over the last 20 years, The Alliance has built a network of government, academic, for-profit, nonprofit, media and community organizations and leaders. We convene and mobilize this network to identify problems Coloradans face and move thought into action through community-led solutions.